The clipboard contains too much text to paste into the Newton. Only ^0 characters can be pasted at a time, but the clipboard contains ^1 characters. Unable to open the connection chooser and save the connection setup. Try increasing the application’s memory partition size another 32k. An error occured while parsing the connection configuration string at character position ^0. The communications toolbox tool named "^0" is not installed or is currently unavailable. The communications toolbox operation has been canceled. No communications tools are available. They should be placed in the Extensions Folder in your System Folder. The selected communications tool does not support the functionality needed by this application. A no-request-pending error has occured in the communications toolbox. Allright, who ordered the pizza...? The serial or network port could not be properly closed. You really should have that looked at — it’s rather drafty in here! The serial or network port is currently unavailable. Check the Settings under the Newton menu... The last communications toolbox request timed out. I guess it was tired of waiting. The last communications toolbox request failed. The communications toolbox rejected the last communications request. Well! Of all the nerve... A mysterious error has occured in the communications toolbox. Perhaps it’s possessed? Attempted to perform a resource manager operation on a non-resource. There are too few acceleration sample points from which to create an acceleration spline table. Could not load a required resource. Could not allocate object/handle/pointer. Unbalanced interrupt counter detected. Uh... what the...? You’d better Restart now! The Cursor Device Manager is not installed. The Communications Toolbox is not installed. An operating system error has occured. Error code = ^0. An unknown error has occured.